Saturday, June 11, 2011


2 Corinthians 2:14-15 (New King James Version)

14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. 15 For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing

"Deodorant.  Soap.  Body Wash.  Perfume.  Cologne.  All of these items and many more make up a billion dollar industry focused on one thing, making sure we don’t smell bad.  Our culture has an obsession with how we smell.  No one wants to smell bad, if we are going to smell we want it to something pleasing to ourselves and others.  The Apostle Paul picks up on this idea in the verse above explaining how we are to “smell” as ambassadors of Christ".
In the hands of a loving father is the representatives of Jesus Christ on earth. Picture yourself as a cologne called "Loveliness Of Christ" and He cherishing you every minute and diffusing, displaying His love, power, creativity, talents, giftings, wisdom and what have you into our society. Men! the world will be a better place. We are to be a cologne for Him in our communities, schools, homes, churches and the uttermost part of the world. When we are empty of Christ and full of self and carnality we become undiffusable and clogged.

How will you feel after you bought an expensive brand name cologne and to your surprise the content of the perfume smell way different and kind of stinky to you and frinds. We are new creation in Christ Jesus, the old things has passed away and behold everything has become new. All that you need to impact your world is in your born again Spirit. You are full of Christ and continue in that fullness when you daily feed on His strength and embrace His presence to change our stinking world. You cannot diffuse what you have not receive.

We have no fragrance in our self to change anything, We are living on a borrowed fragrance - Christ. The excellency, beauty, loveliness of Christ is displayed in our lives. In that regard, we are all qualified to be used in this end time for our God. What's your smell, friend. No matter how badly you smell, you have evry opportunity to refresh your life in the power of God unconditional love and grace.

Let's touch every corner of our world by spreading the fragrance of the person of Christ and the loveliness of His finish work on the cross of calvary.

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