Saturday, November 13, 2010


A new movement is on the horizon.
It is a movement of freedom, a joyful release from the things that have bound us for far too long. More and more Christians are realizing that the man-made restrictions and legalistic regulations under which they have been living have not come from the God of grace, but have been enforced by people who do not want others to be free. It is not an overstatement to describe this movement as an awakening that is beginning to sweep across the country. This awakening to freedom is long overdue. It fits the times in which we are living.

 Free people find delight in others freedom. Only the politically enslaved resist it. The same is true spiritually. It is about time we give people the permission to be free, absolutely free in Christ.
 Why? Because so few are!

Bound and shackled by legalists’ list of do’s and don’ts, intimidated and immobilized by others demands and expectation, far too many in God’s family merely exist in the tight radius of bondage, dictated by those who have appointed themselves our judge and jury. Long enough have we been asleep while all around us the grace killers do their sinister nighttime work. No longer! It is time to awaken. The dawn is bright with grace.

So many people are being turned off by a twisted concept of the Christian life. Instead of offering a winsome and contagious, sensible and achievable invitation of hope and cheer through the sheer power of Christ, more people than ever are projecting a grim-faced caricature of religion on demand. I find it tragic that religious kill-joys have almost succeeded in taking the freedom and fun out of faith. People have to know that there is more to the Christian life than deep frowns, pointing fingers, and unrealistic expectation. Harassment has had the floor long enough. Let grace awaken!

    Author: Chuck Swindoll

Thought Of The Day: By the grace of God, you have a special calling and destiny in Christ!

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